Very sien already lar!!
Study, study, study and study only.
Always promise myself that no more last minute study, ended up last minute study... again.
The fact is, you know what is coming out in exam but just that you dont know where to start.
*because teacher give tips mar...*
So, I online either play facebook or read people's blog.
And then hor, suddenly got the urge to go "feng tau". Gosh, my body starts to itch already.
Suddenly, I wanna listen to Trance at the middle of the night, remembered that Nick intro this Dj JudgeJules, and I went to his website and download it.
Quite nice eh! Thanks Nick! *hope you'll see this*

And oh, mum bought this some High fibre nutrition drink for me.
She said when I drink it, after 7 hours or so, I will have the urge to shit.
Well, she said that drink is to clean my bowel.
And the brand call "NICE FEEL".
I was like okay... hopefully is "NICE FEEL" and "NICE TASTE".

Had my first drink on Monday - and yup, "NICE TASTE".
Had my first shit on Tuesday - dont know why it took more than 7 hours only got the urge to shit, and yes, "NICE FEEL", the shit just came out by itself without straining.
Lastly, I wanna add is "NICE SMELL", dont know whether is psychologically or what the shit tends to smell good lor! Smells like vege/fruits. I'm not disgusting k? It's true.

OK, better stop here, wanna start studying, tomorrow last day of exam.
The DID YOU KNOW? section I will edit later.


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