I cant stand it, you lost my favourite IKEA pillow case and now you are showing me your fuck face.
So unfair eh, I should be the one very fucked up lor.
Damn, think you're the only one that feel stress and the whole world is against you?
Think twice babe, as friends, all of us trying to help you to relief you stress and you just dont give a damn.
And said that we dont understand your situation, fine, we dont understand your situation is because you did not tell us what is your problem, you expect us to read your mind is it?


So, you're super stress and we're not is it?
Just dont understand why this type of people are so selfish and stupid, say wanna quit means wanna quit eh?
Hello? You're already in semester 5 and you got one more semester to go.
Seeesshh, dont know eh babe, I hope you make a wise choice and never ever regret!

the frustrated Rish.
PS : Pa, Ma, Jie, dont scold me hor said so many vulgar words, I cant tahan already.


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