Hahaha, well, just came back from clubbing session.
Finally! My wish came true!!
Ok, Space wasnt that fantastic at all, or maybe today got a bit of problem!
It should be full of people cause it's ladies night?!
Well, as usual, all of us cant tahan and we changed to Maison!!!
Yup, problem solved, had so much fun!!
And oh, almost forgot, it's ALLAN WONG KIN LOON'S BIRTHDAY!!!
HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY BOY! May all your dreams come true, loving you much! =)Clubbing pics will upload as soon as possible.
Oh ya! Today just moved to our new hostel, happy me! It was totally nice can? I've never seen such nice hostel before lor, sakai me. =)
Totally convenient as well. The sad part was, I'm totally separated from my ex-housemates.
Living with new housemates wasnt that easy though, all of them paired up, and I'm kind of left out. But it's ok, it takes time.
And I'm glad enough that I left that house due to some problems, which is not that I dont want to mention, is because tooooo many problems to be mentioned!
Anyway, all pictures will be uploaded as soon as possible when I get back from Singapore, I'll be leaving like half an hours time? Which is like 5am ++?
Love you peeps!


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