Wahahaha, unbelievable!!
ALLAN WONG'S graduation eh!
(malu a bit, I seriously dont even know he took hotel management course k?)
Anyway, wanna congratulate Allan!!! Hehe.
Allan's "yau yeng" pose.
Now hor, wanna upload some pictures when I worked in the Operation Theatre. But most of the pictures I took is in the CSSD room eh. Where you pack and sterilize the stuff (is also linked to the Operation Theatre also)

CSSD - Central Sterile Supply Department

Cleaned forceps.Pack in the package(something like that).Seal it.TA DAH! A vagina speculum! Haha.

Shiok Sendiri.

Ok, enough! Too shiok sendiri.


~wilson~ said…
hahhaa...u r the bloody canwhore la wei....XD
[PerMysuri] said…
sorry, i can't help it, hahaha

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