I've been working for the whole week, and today is my off day! I'm so freaking happy!
Took some pics, last and this week's pics.
Last Sunday went to Bangsar pasar mlm with the gang.
As usual, "the gang" only knows how to eat.
From Devi's corner -> Nirvana Banana Leaf -> Pasar Mlm food
So fattening wei!
Not to forget, went to my favourite shop, is a Japanese shop where they sell all kinds of stuff. Shiok!
Happy Eating!
Melvyn's mermaid sun glasses.
Posting, posting and more posting. I really cant tahan anymore! I would say quite a good experience.
A Malay male patient's complexion were so yellow, I thought what did he do to himself, and I realize it was jaundice, it's disgusting you know! It's so yellow like he paint himself with poster colour, you know, that yellow!
But not so bright, just err, 10 shades lighter, hehe.
Miss E somehow wanna do the observation for all the patients, and were totally pissed, please lar, we're nurses too k? We wanna get experience and cross too you doink! And you kept doing mistakes, so malu! Somehow I just cant tahan her and another girl.
Went for posting lotsa times, and am happy working with my colleagues, sometimes ok? Dont know why, am I perasan or what. Each time I work, either the staff nurses, cleaners, patients or whoever will compliment my complexion and make up. Are they being sarcastic or is it true?
Example 1:
Cleaner : Canteknya u punya make up.
*(In her heart she must be thinking: sangat hodoh, make up pun tak tau macam mane nak apply!)
Example 2:
Cleaner : Canteknya u punya make up, saye sangat suka.
*(In her heart she must be thinking : Saya harap saya tau make up juga, nak dia ajar saye macam mana nak apply eye shadow tu!)
Hehe, anyway, I shall take it as compliment. But seriously, I got some pimples on face now! and it is so ugly!
Well, helping patients to change diapers is a fun thing to do, but smelling that "thingy" on the diapers is not a fun thing.
Stop laughing k?
My partner and I almost puke when we smell it, especially those who were/was on strict IO Chart(Input & Output Chart) must constantly check what they ate and when they pass motion and urine, and have to measure the shit and urine, just imagine! We're playing with it, pour here and there, ewwwww! And yeah I know, you guys said am lucky cause getta see so many private parts. I know, am too fortunate. Haha!
A Malay male patient was admitted to the hospital 2 days ago. The case was his nephew put a fish, which was still alive, into the anus. And the nephew is only 4 years old.
Patient's excuse : His nephew is naughty, put it in when he is sleeping.
Doctor's report : Sent him for HIV screening.
Nurses' thinking/gossip (haha) : He must be playing you know, anal sex with another male? Maybe got infected, purposely put a fish inside.
Please lar, how can a little boy put the fish into your anus? I cant even hold it properly if the fish is still alive it'll be moving and quite slippery too. I know we're still new, but you cant bluff us like that right?
Results : HIV -ve.
Oh well, pictures time!
Hubby and baby.
My hubby and his best friend - Simon.
Our all time favourite - the bedpan!
Injection time hunny!
Nothing to do at ward.
At the front counter yo!